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الرسائل - basel tayeh

صفحات: [1]
أسس هندسة كهربائية و الكترونية / هل يمكن عكس المحول ؟؟
« في: أكتوبر 25, 2002, 12:46:23 مساءاً »

yes this is true......

by the way accidantly i come to this site and it is  realy good idea to have such  discution with all of you .... and because im new here can i know if every budy know every budy here or no

thank you and best regard

hi alll

for useing the water power to generate electrical power its exactly the same as the solar energy both of thim not conistant and its not that the solar you can onley use it in the night because you can stor it in the batteries and who say that in the arab country they r not useing i was in iraq before few years and i notes that there is complete housing complex using it by using complete system for each house and i think it was ok and also they r using the water power in the al therthara to generate very huge MVA im not sue exactly how much is it ......
and in abu dhabi they start a very big project to generate a power useing water break(kaser al amwaj) and they have the money to do it but it seem unfurtunatily it was not working im also not sure why but at least they try and it was not lose of money because they use it for other use and they some idea also .... soo from this we can have a god examples for trying the thing and one time it well work but it nead to learn more and more and first of all you need to have the well to do the thing and not to cry and plame the others
best regard to all

أسس هندسة كهربائية و الكترونية / هل يمكن عكس المحول ؟؟
« في: أكتوبر 25, 2002, 01:15:51 صباحاً »
sory i cant type in arabic

i read your answer i think there is some thing wrong in the answer :
1-first you have to know the diffirent between the voltage (al volteyee)and the current (al tayaar)
2-the transformer well transfer the voltage from 110 volt to 6 volt and if you but 6 volt in the out but it well give you 110 volt in the input side with out any problem
3- and regarding the current it depend on the laod so as much as you add resister it well give more current but for this we have a limitation of the transformer wich you can find it in the rate of the transformer it self by reading the trasformer rate it well be usualy VA unit and the call it the active power of the transformer
4-so you can use this simple equation to understand the idea :
the input VA = the output VA
this mean:
the input curent X the input voltage = the out but current X the output votage
5-for the testing of the transformer some budy unswer it in the correct way by checking the winding resistance
6- and regarding transfering the DC voltage its possible using electronic circuit but the loss well be soo hight and if some budy need more details about this just email me and ill try to help
and alaah a3lam

best regard to alll

صفحات: [1]