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مواضيع - QUATERIUM

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منتدى علوم الفلك / أغرب عشرة اشياء في الكون
« في: يوليو 08, 2006, 03:52:32 صباحاً »
Hello every one
let me here to give you the strangest things in space
some of them is real ... and some is results of brand new theory in physics

10-Cosmic Microwave Background :

Also known as the CMB, this radiation is a primordial leftover from the Big Bang that birthed the universe. It was first detected during the 1960s as a radio noise that seemed to emanate from everywhere in space. The CMB is regarded as one of the best pieces of evidence for the theoretical Big Bang. Recent precise measurements by the WMAP project place the CMB temperature at -455 degrees Fahrenheit (-270 Celsius).

9-Antimatter :

Like Superman's alter-ego, Bizzaro, the particles making up normal matter also have opposite versions of themselves. An electron has a negative charge, for example, but its anti-matter equivalent, the positron, is positive. Matter and anti-matter annihilate each other when they collide and their mass is converted into pure energy by Einstein's equation E=mc2. Some futuristic spacecraft designs incorporate anti-matter engines.

and the rest coming soon

thank you

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