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الرسائل - yousuf

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أسس هندسة كهربائية و الكترونية / دائرة بسيطة
« في: سبتمبر 30, 2004, 02:15:19 مساءاً »
in this case by drawing will be better , but i will explain to you by using the transformer .you confert 12v to 8and4v and that debend to the winding of transformer .
sorry my computer desnt write arabic words:p

thank you for your question and I the purpose of diode is allowing the current flwing in one recive the positive polarity and send negative polarity .i hope you get my point

its work in different type. sometime it work to lead the supply like in induction motor and sometime to control the circuit to avoid from high current.and there are alot of function for it depend to each equpment .

it should be equal in phase ,voltage ,frequancy,and phase angle

thank you Mr al-jabri I hope you are fine . i am not sure a bout VSD  but i think the voltage of it is 415v

صفحات: [1]