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الرسائل - Biotechnologist

صفحات: [1]
منتدى الاحياء العام / مخك المعجزة
« في: مايو 29, 2005, 02:17:23 مساءاً »
thanx alot butterfly,well i live in jordan,i would send u my email in a PM insh2alla,jazake allah 5ayran

منتدى الاحياء العام / مخك المعجزة
« في: مايو 07, 2005, 08:56:12 مساءاً »
Salam everyone,i'm sorry for writing in english,but my browser is not arabic enabled,and this is my 1st contribution here but i was sooooo thrilled to see all this!u know butterfly the brain,its chemistry,the neurotransmitters is a completely amazing world that u can never get enough of,but what's written here would make some serious changes to how we deal with our eating habbits,and it's like a revolution in the nutrition world!i'd appreciate it if u could tell me from where to get this book,and if it's avaliable in all arab countries ,and i'd like to take ur permission and the moderators permission to include the link to ur forums in my university's forums so the students who r interested in scientific info ,especially biology -since we r specializing in  Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology would find a good source for obtaining information '<img'> thanx again

صفحات: [1]