منتدى علم الكيمياء / مواقع كيميائية
« في: يوليو 30, 2006, 05:51:22 مساءاً »Becoming a member of the ACS means becoming a part of the world's largest scientific society, an organization that's more than 161,000 members strong.
General chemistry On Line
A searchable database of over 800 common compound names, formulas, structures, and properties.
Molecular compounds
Molecular compounds are made of molecules. each molecule contains anywhere from two atoms (diatomic molecules) to thousands (biological molecules). each molecule has the same element composition and properties as the compound.
Analytical Chemistry
A brief overview of Analytical Chemistry. An overview of the steps in an analysis and factors to consider are presented.
Periodic Table
Periodic Table of Mathematicians
The ABC's of Nuclear Science
The ABC's of Nuclear Science is a brief introduction to Nuclear Science. We look at Antimatter, Beta rays, Cosmic connection and much more. Visit here and learn about radioactivity - alpha, beta and gamma decay.
General chemistry On Line
Measurement is the collection of quantitative data. The proper handling and interpretation of measurements are essential in chemistry - and in any scientific endeavour. To use measurements correctly, you must recognize that measurements are not numbers. They always contain a unit and some inherent error. The second lecture focuses on an international system of units (the SI system) and introduces unit conversion. In the third lecture, we'll discuss ways to recognize, estimate and report the errors that are always present in measurements.