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منتدى علوم البيئة / recyclin
« في: مايو 21, 2006, 12:00:58 صباحاً »
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Recycling has many meanings :
* Some times it means reusing some thing .
 *In terms of solid waste it means The separation of a specific material from the waste stream and processing it so that it may be used again as a raw material for products or in some cases as a fuel.

Recycling:-is a process in which valuable products such as metals are collected and returned to factories, where they are melted down and used to manufacture new products.

•   Recycling has become an everyday habit. As a result, recycling has grown substantially over the last decade: from 11% to 27% .  Every year, each of us still discards nearly 1600 pounds of trash, most of which still goes to landfills and incinerators.
•   By making products from recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we reduce the need to cut down trees, drill for oil, and dig for minerals. It usually takes less energy to make recycled .products

•   In most cases, making products from recycled materials creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials. When the materials that you recycle go into new products, they do not go into landfills or incinerators, so scarce landfill space is conserved. Recycling creates jobs, saves valuable resources and is simple to do. Before you throw away, think about the Earth and reuse, reduce and recycle.
•   The term recycling has become a part of our everyday vocabulary. We take for granted that we recycle everything as much as we can.

Sustainable development:-

•   Sustainable development:-economic development that meets current needs without compromising ability of future generations to meet their needs.
•   Relies on appropriate technology , efficient use of resources , recycling,
Renewable resource use, and other measures.

Minerals Cycle

•   Life, as we know it, exists on the earth or in the earth.
•   Whether it is in our own bodies, that of other living things or plant life, all of us, each and every one contains within us a part of the earth. We eat products grown on the earth, drink water that came from the surface of, or from within the earth, we dispose of our wastes on or in the earth, in fact we are all earth recycling 'machines'.
•   As such we all contain metals and minerals that come from the earth. Without such we would be unhealthy. Given too much we could also be unhealthy. Without the everyday convenience of everything from satellites that monitor weather, televisions that allow us humans to see the images from those satellites, to the cars that protect us from the weather when we travel, all incidentally products made from raw materials dug out of the earth, our lives would be drastically different. In fact civilization as we know it would not exist without earth resources .
Minerals cycle
Recycle process
•   Step 1. Collection and Processing
Step 1. Collection and Processing
Collecting recyclables varies from community to community, but there are four primary methods: curbside, drop-off centers, buy-back centers, and deposit/refund programs

Step 2.Manufacturing

Once cleaned and separated, the recyclables are ready to undergo the second part of the recycling loop. More and more of today's products are being manufactured with total or partial recycled content. Common household items that contain recycled materials include newspapers and paper towels; aluminum, plastic, and glass soft drink containers; steel cans; and plastic laundry detergent bottles. Recycled materials also are used in innovative applications such as recovered glass in roadway asphalt , or recovered plastic in carpeting, park benches, and pedestrian bridges.

Step 3. Purchasing Recycled Products

Purchasing recycled products completes the recycling loop. By "buying recycled," governments, as well as businesses and individual consumers, each play an important role in making the recycling process a success. As consumers demand more environmentally sound products, manufacturers will continue to meet that demand by producing high-quality recycled products

Problems in RECYCLING
•   *A big problem for recycling is the wild fluctuation in market prices for commodities .

•   *Contamination of recyclable materials

Benefits of Recycling

Reduction in pollution.

•   Recycling helps increase the time a mineral or metal remains in use (residence time).

•   Saves energy, money, raw materials, and land space.

•   Provide jobs for unskilled workers (Recycling creates three to six times more jobs per unite of material than land filling or incineration ).
Waste minimization program
•   Collecting and selling cans, paper and other materials for recycling is an important source of income for many people all over the world ,(especially the homeless and the disadvantaged ).

Reduce the pressure on disposal systems .

Paper and card board recycling .
•   Since 19995 Jordan environmental agency had been collecting paper and cardboard for recycling in addition to other private companies like Abu-atia &hashlamon company in sahab and abu-jaber company in alyadodeh .
Glass recycling
•   Glass recycling in Jordan is applied in small factories on which the recycled glass quantities reach
•   (1-5.1) ton/day
The color of the glass is a problem in recycling which needs more separation .

Plastic recycling

•   • Recycled plastic quantities reaches (120-150)ton/day in the summer and decreased to (50) ton/day in winter .

•   •*Increase recycling by government and by individual and cooperate citizens as apart of national Agenda to the municipal solid waste problem

•   *Increase the awareness of people toward the importance of and benefits recycling .

•   *Increase the awareness of people about the recycling as an economic source through collecting , purchasing , and*Initiate program using market incentives to change consumers behavior (pay-as-you-throw) , while making a curbside recycling of waste free for consumer , under the controlling of government .

•   *Successful projects must be build on a good analysis and a perfect  
•   studying of all the dimensions

•   *sending a newsletter regarding recycling issues to all resident.

Strategies for reducing solid waste
•    *حصاد الهاشمية: الدكتور احمد الملاعبة

•   Cunningham, w.p. Cunningham, M.A. Sigo, B. W. *
•   (1997) Environmental science.


•   *\Maine State Planning Office Recycling and Waste Management. tm

•   *\Municipal Solid Waste - Recycling. tm

•   *\Solid Waste Department - Solid Waste
•   Terminology. tm

•   *

•    */ Recycling. htm

•   Daniel D. Chiras, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, sixth edition.

منتدى علوم الأرض / recycling
« في: مايو 20, 2006, 11:46:10 مساءاً »
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Recycling has many meanings :
* Some times it means reusing some thing .
 *In terms of solid waste it means The separation of a specific material from the waste stream and processing it so that it may be used again as a raw material for products or in some cases as a fuel.

Recycling:-is a process in which valuable products such as metals are collected and returned to factories, where they are melted down and used to manufacture new products.

•   Recycling has become an everyday habit. As a result, recycling has grown substantially over the last decade: from 11% to 27% .  Every year, each of us still discards nearly 1600 pounds of trash, most of which still goes to landfills and incinerators.
•   By making products from recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we reduce the need to cut down trees, drill for oil, and dig for minerals. It usually takes less energy to make recycled .products

•   In most cases, making products from recycled materials creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials. When the materials that you recycle go into new products, they do not go into landfills or incinerators, so scarce landfill space is conserved. Recycling creates jobs, saves valuable resources and is simple to do. Before you throw away, think about the Earth and reuse, reduce and recycle.
•   The term recycling has become a part of our everyday vocabulary. We take for granted that we recycle everything as much as we can.

Sustainable development:-

•   Sustainable development:-economic development that meets current needs without compromising ability of future generations to meet their needs.
•   Relies on appropriate technology , efficient use of resources , recycling,
Renewable resource use, and other measures.

Minerals Cycle

•   Life, as we know it, exists on the earth or in the earth.
•   Whether it is in our own bodies, that of other living things or plant life, all of us, each and every one contains within us a part of the earth. We eat products grown on the earth, drink water that came from the surface of, or from within the earth, we dispose of our wastes on or in the earth, in fact we are all earth recycling 'machines'.
•   As such we all contain metals and minerals that come from the earth. Without such we would be unhealthy. Given too much we could also be unhealthy. Without the everyday convenience of everything from satellites that monitor weather, televisions that allow us humans to see the images from those satellites, to the cars that protect us from the weather when we travel, all incidentally products made from raw materials dug out of the earth, our lives would be drastically different. In fact civilization as we know it would not exist without earth resources .
Minerals cycle
Recycle process
•   Step 1. Collection and Processing
Step 1. Collection and Processing
Collecting recyclables varies from community to community, but there are four primary methods: curbside, drop-off centers, buy-back centers, and deposit/refund programs

Step 2.Manufacturing

Once cleaned and separated, the recyclables are ready to undergo the second part of the recycling loop. More and more of today's products are being manufactured with total or partial recycled content. Common household items that contain recycled materials include newspapers and paper towels; aluminum, plastic, and glass soft drink containers; steel cans; and plastic laundry detergent bottles. Recycled materials also are used in innovative applications such as recovered glass in roadway asphalt , or recovered plastic in carpeting, park benches, and pedestrian bridges.

Step 3. Purchasing Recycled Products

Purchasing recycled products completes the recycling loop. By "buying recycled," governments, as well as businesses and individual consumers, each play an important role in making the recycling process a success. As consumers demand more environmentally sound products, manufacturers will continue to meet that demand by producing high-quality recycled products

Problems in RECYCLING
•   *A big problem for recycling is the wild fluctuation in market prices for commodities .

•   *Contamination of recyclable materials

Benefits of Recycling

Reduction in pollution.

•   Recycling helps increase the time a mineral or metal remains in use (residence time).

•   Saves energy, money, raw materials, and land space.

•   Provide jobs for unskilled workers (Recycling creates three to six times more jobs per unite of material than land filling or incineration ).
Waste minimization program
•   Collecting and selling cans, paper and other materials for recycling is an important source of income for many people all over the world ,(especially the homeless and the disadvantaged ).

Reduce the pressure on disposal systems .

Paper and card board recycling .
•   Since 19995 Jordan environmental agency had been collecting paper and cardboard for recycling in addition to other private companies like Abu-atia &hashlamon company in sahab and abu-jaber company in alyadodeh .
Glass recycling
•   Glass recycling in Jordan is applied in small factories on which the recycled glass quantities reach
•   (1-5.1) ton/day
The color of the glass is a problem in recycling which needs more separation .

Plastic recycling

•   • Recycled plastic quantities reaches (120-150)ton/day in the summer and decreased to (50) ton/day in winter .

•   •*Increase recycling by government and by individual and cooperate citizens as apart of national Agenda to the municipal solid waste problem

•   *Increase the awareness of people toward the importance of and benefits recycling .

•   *Increase the awareness of people about the recycling as an economic source through collecting , purchasing , and*Initiate program using market incentives to change consumers behavior (pay-as-you-throw) , while making a curbside recycling of waste free for consumer , under the controlling of government .

•   *Successful projects must be build on a good analysis and a perfect  
•   studying of all the dimensions

•   *sending a newsletter regarding recycling issues to all resident.

Strategies for reducing solid waste
•    *حصاد الهاشمية: الدكتور احمد الملاعبة

•   Cunningham, w.p. Cunningham, M.A. Sigo, B. W. *
•   (1997) Environmental science.


•   *\Maine State Planning Office Recycling and Waste Management. tm

•   *\Municipal Solid Waste - Recycling. tm

•   *\Solid Waste Department - Solid Waste
•   Terminology. tm

•   *

•    */ Recycling. htm

•   Daniel D. Chiras, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, sixth edition.

منتدى علوم الأرض / منح لدراسة الماجستير في علوم الأرض
« في: فبراير 26, 2006, 01:03:12 مساءاً »
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أخي طارق أحمد لقد قرأت هذا الموضوع وملأني الفرح الى أن وصلت الى الجزء الذي تذكر فيه أن الجامعة لا تقبل الطالبات لمااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااذا؟

اه لو تعلم كم أحلم أن أكمل دراسة الماجستير في الجيولوجيا وبالتحديد في الجيوفيزياء والزلازل مع العلم بأنني من أوائل الكلية ولكن كليتنا لا تعطي النح الجامعية وللاسف أيضا حالتي المادية لا تسمح باكمال دراستي  بالاضافة الى حصولي على بعثة في جامعة أمريكية الا أنني رفضتها لاسباب كثيرة .
أريد حلا لانني قد يئست
رجاء اذا استطعت ان تساعدني بشئ فلا تبخل علي به

السلام عليكم
أخي الديناصور جزاك الله كل خير على هذه المعلومات القيمة':blush:'

منتدى علوم الأرض / RECYCLING
« في: فبراير 05, 2006, 12:42:17 صباحاً »
Recycling has many meanings :
* Some times it means reusing some thing .
 *In terms of  solid waste it means The separation of a specific material from the waste stream and processing it so that it may be used again as a raw material for products or in some cases as a fuel ..

Recycling :-is a process in which valuable products such as metals are collected and returned to factories , where they are melted down and used to manufacture new products .

•   Recycling has become an everyday habit. As a result, recycling has grown substantially over the last decade: from 11% to 27% .  Every year, each of us still discards nearly 1600 pounds of trash, most of which still goes to landfills and incinerators.
•   By making products from recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we reduce the need to cut down trees, drill for oil, and dig for minerals. It usually takes less energy to make recycled .products
•   In most cases, making products from recycled materials creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials. When the materials that you recycle go into new products, they don't go into landfills or incinerators, so scarce landfill space is conserved. Recycling creates jobs, saves valuable resources and is simple to do. Before you throw away think about the Earth and reuse, reduce and recycle.
•   The term Recycling has become a part of our everyday vocabulary. We take for granted that we Recycle everything as much as we can.

 ':010:'  ':010:'

منتدى علوم الأرض / reservoir induced siesmicity
« في: فبراير 05, 2006, 12:18:20 صباحاً »

Reservoir induced siesmicity is areal problem in highly agriculture and densely

populated areas .this phenomena  occur either immediately after filling of the reservoir,

 or after a delay of a few years. many characteristics  typify those sites where triggered

events have occurred by different mechanisms .

 Earthquakes are multiple hazards in the case of a dam ,so this presentation summarises

research concerns and application procedures to mitigate hazards and maintain the safety

of dams .


Dams are earth or concrete barriers built across a drainage course to impound

water. The lakes they create are called reservoirs. Dams are among the largest

 and most important projects in civil engineering. Although They are expensive

structures,  they provide flood control water storage, hydroelectnc power, and many

other benefits.

Dams are affected by normal regional earthquakes, but there are certain types of human

 Activity , particularly the impoundment of reservoirs can trigger earthquakes,  so

The likelihood of damaging earthquakes must be considered during planning and after

construction to ensure continual safety of downstream habitation , agriculture and



An earthquake is a series of vibrations induced in the earth's crust by the abrupt rupture

and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating. It is caused by

a slip on a fault, which is a thin zone of crushed rock between two blocks of rock.  The

fault can be any length, from a few millimeters to thousands of kilometers.  It is a fracture

in the crust of the earth along which rocks on one side have moved relative to those on

the other side.

An earthquake occurs when stresses in the earth's outer layer push the sides of the fault

together. Stress builds up and the rocks slips suddenly, releasing energy in waves that

cause the shaking. Earthquakes can cause severe damage to property and extensive loss

of life.

 An earthquake will not kill by itself.  However, an earthquake may cause extensive

 structural damage and collapse that could cause fatalities and injury.

 Earthquakes can occur at any time of the day and are not related to weather patterns.  An

earthquake cannot be prevented, although mitigation measures can be taken, particularly

structure measures, to reduce the impact that an earthquake has on the surface

What causes an earthquake
*Tectonic causes
Most earthquakes are caused by movements of the tectonic (tiktoo = generate) plates.
These plates form the earth's crust. Most of these movements we can't feel, they are much
to small to notice.
 Only seismographs can registrate them. Each day the crust is moving, so is Africa
moving towards from Europe and it is likely a bay will occur between Germany and the
Most of these plates are next to each other and won't move. Some plates stick together and
form large plates, which sometimes abruptly move, causing vibrations in the earth's crust

which we might feel as an earthquake. Plates can collide (compression-zone; and may
form a new mountain range or a big canyon) or slip below the other plate (subduction-
zone; and may also form a new mountain range).The place where this happens, many
kilometers below the earth's surface, we call the


Figure 1 : a) oceanic- continental convergence   b) – continental- continental  convergence
Why do these plates move? This is due to the flows of hot and less hot rock and material
inside the earth. The warm material wants to move up (warm air rises, cold will drop)
pushing it's way through the other material, causing these vibrations.
Tectonic earthquakes are much more powerful than the earthquakes caused by volcanic
activity. From magnitude 4,8 all earthquakes reported have been tectonic earthquakes

*Volcanic causes.
Smaller earthquakes are quite often caused by moving magma below the earth's surface,
pushing it's way through. Near by active volcanoes these minor earthquakes are regular
and won't cause much damage. Eruptions like the one of the Krakatau (1883), which
could be heard 5000 kilometers away, won't cause seismic waves of any importance.
* human causes

 Some earthquakes are caused by human activity such as industrial or military explosions
and various types of cultural noises (traffic, industry, construction works ), which are
 examples of controlled seismic sources ,  where place time of occurrence and source
intensity are determined in advance or , at least, highly predictable . Other types of man –
made seismic sources are induced or triggered events  , . To some degree, hypocentral
locations of induced earthquakes are predictable. However, their size and time of
occurrence are not Many man-made events such as underground nuclear explosions and
some of the reservoir- induced earthquakes, are large enough to be received
teleseismically at seismograph stations throughout the world A brief overview of major seismic source types is sketched in figure.. 2


reservoir triggered earthquakes

over 75 dam reservoirs have been found to trigger seismicity after their filling

(Gupta    and Rastogi , 1976 ; Gupta , 1992).

There are many known cases of reservoir induced seismicity, and they seem to fall into

 tow broad categories as far as the response of the crust is concerned  see table 1 .
Seismic activity does not occur until some years after the reservoir has been filled .   Increase in seismicity almost immediately upon reservoir filling.    TIMING
Larger earthquakes   Small earthquakes   MAGNITUDE
Greater depth   Shallow   DEPTH
Often at some distance ~10 Km from the deep part of the reservoir .    In the immediate vicinity or just below the reservoir .    FOCUS

Characteristics of reservoir induced seismicity

 Numerous studies have been carried out in the attempt to determine what unique

physical or geological characteristics typify those sites where triggered events have

occurred, only four significant correlations seem to emerge:-

(1)   Triggered events are more likely beneath large and, particularly, deep reservoirs   than
beneath those of smaller size.

 (2)Triggered events are more likely, at least during reservoir filling, in areas of nor¬mal

 and strike-slip faulting than in areas of reverse or thrust faulting .

(3)The largest triggered events have occurred predominantly in areas of late

Quaternary faulting (Packer et a!., 1981).

(4)Triggered events are more likely during periods of rapid changes in wa¬ter level than

at other times, as was documented at Nurek Dam, Tadjikistan, by Simpson and

Negmatul¬ laev( 1981) . Some of the more significant earthquakes thought to be triggered

 by reservoir filling are listed in Table 2 .

DAM   MAX                                              MAGNI-TUDE    year   Depth   Reference
Koyna, India   6.5   1967   100   Gupta and Rastogi (1976)
Kremasta, Greece   6.3   1966   120   Comminakis and others (1968)
Xinfengjiang, China   6.1   1962   100   Sheng and others (1973)
Kariba, Zambia-Zimbabwe   5.8   1963   123   Gough and Gough (1970a; 1970b)
Srinagarind, Thailand   5.8   1983   140   Ghose and Oike (1987)
Marathon, Greece   5.7   1938   60   Galanopoulos (1967)
Oroville, USA   5.7   1975   204   Toppozada and Morrison (1982)
Varragamba, Australia   5.4   1973   104   Guha and Patil (199C)
Aswan, Egypt   5.3   1981   110   Kebeasy and others (1987)
Coyote Valley, USA   5.3   1962   22   Toppozada and Cramer (1978)
Akasombo, Ghana   5.3   1964   109   Guha and Patil (1990)
Kinnersani, India   5.3   1969   62   Guha and Patil (1990)
Volte Grande, Brazil   5.1   1974   32   Guha and Patil (1990)
Benmore, New Zealand   5.0   1966   86   Adams (1974)

The largest generally accepted induced event to date is of magnitude 6.5 (Koyna, 1967),
and there is no particular reason to assume that this is the largest event that is physically
possible. Nevertheless, in view of the uniqueness of the Koyna event---and the thousands
of dams that have not experienced similar earthquakes---it would appear unduly
conservative at this time to  assume that still larger triggered earthquakes should be
considered in the siting and design of most structures. In areas close to major active
faults, larger design earthquakes are often stipulated, of course, as representative of
possible naturally occurring events.
Prediction of Reservoir Induced Seismicity
 It is not easy to predict whether a new reservoir will experience reservoir induced
seismicity, because the two most important factors - the state of stress and the rock
strength at earthquake depths - cannot be measured directly.
This is the same reason why prediction of normal (non-induced) earthquakes is normally


جزاك الله أخي كل الخير على هذا الموضوع الممتع
وأتمنى أن اسمع المزيد عن هذا الموضوع تحديدا لانني قد كتبت بحثا عن هذا الموضوع وأحاول أن أوسع بحثي
وان شاء الله سوف أزودكم ببحثي قريبا على صفحات هذا المنتدى الرائع.

(سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته)
جزاك الله يا أخي كل خير على هذه المعلومة الرائعة':blush:'

أخي صقر السعودية جزاك الله كل خير':blush:'

منتدى علوم الأرض / عندي سؤال أرجو الإجابة عنه(للجميع)
« في: يناير 05, 2006, 12:47:13 مساءاً »
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أختي السماء الزرقاء
هوني عليكي أنا خريجة جديدة من قسم علوم الارض والبيئة ولقد واجهت الكثير من المصاعب مثلك وواجهت الكثير من الانتقادات حول تخصصي حتى من عائلتي ولكن اصراري وتصميمي وحبي لعلوم الارض كان دافعا لي للتقدم والحمد لله قد أنهيت دراستي وكنت من أوائل الكلية ,وأنا الان أعمل كمدرسة علوم وأطمح أن أكمل دراساتي العليا في الجيوفيزياء
عن قريب ان شاء الله
وأحب أنأ أقول لك كلاما جميلا قاله لنا مدرسنا في كلية علوم الارض عندما كنا طلابا في السنة الاولى في الجامعة
(ليس مهما أن نكون كلنا أطباء ومهندسين ولكن المهم أن يكون الشخص مبدعا وبارعا ومتفوقا في تخصصه )
في االنهاية أذكرك بأن تخصصنا من أروع التخصصات وان وظيفة كل جيولوجي تعريف الناس بأهمية هذا العلم الرائع

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