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المحرر موضوع: Why do eyes whater ?  (زيارة 726 مرات)

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أغسطس 22, 2003, 04:35:32 مساءاً
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Why do eyes whater ?
« في: أغسطس 22, 2003, 04:35:32 مساءاً »

You're walking home from school on a windy November day when - whoosh! - a breezy blast smacks you in the face. As your teeth start to chatter and you pull your jacket closed, you notice your eyes are tearing up. You're not sad, so what's going on? The answer is that your eyes are watering. But why?

Tell Me About Tears
First, let's talk about tears. When your eyes water, they're making tears, just like when you cry. Those tears help protect your eyes by keeping them moist and washing out dust and other foreign stuff that gets in there. The tears from watering eyes might only fill your eyes or they might trickle down your face.

The tears come out of tear glands, or lacrimal (say: lak-rum-ul) glands, found way up under your upper eyelids. When your eyes water, the tear liquid washes down from the glands and over your eyes.


Some of the tears drain out of your eyes through tear ducts, or lacrimal ducts, tiny tubes that run between your eyes and your nose. Each tear duct is right next to the inside corner of the eye; you can't see them because they are under your skin. The tears drain out through the little hole of the duct in the very inside corner of each eye. (You can see the hole if you gently pull down your lower eyelid a bit.)


If tears are flowing quickly, like when you're crying pretty hard, the ducts can't drain them all, so tears run down your face. And have you ever noticed that your nose sometimes runs when you cry? That's because some of the tears making their exit through the ducts end up coming out of your nose.


Why Are They Watering?
Eyes water for lots of different reasons besides crying. Anything that irritates the eye can bring on tears because the eye tries to wash out whatever's bothering it. So when you get something stuck in there, like dirt or an eyelash, here come the tears!


You can't always see the stuff that gets in your eyes. Have you ever walked into a smoky restaurant? If so, you may have noticed your eyes tearing up as protection against the smoke. Even though the particles that make up smoke are too small to see, they can still bug your peepers. Eyes might also water if you're around an onion that's being peeled or chopped. The fumes onions give off actually contain tiny chemicals that can get in your eyes and make them hurt. (Holding the onion under water while peeling it can help.)


Things that can dry out your eyes, like cold air or wind, will make them water, too. To protect the eyes from getting too dry, the tear ducts crank out the tears. Imagine skiing down a hill with dry eyes as all that wind rushed at you. That would really hurt!


People's eyes also tear when they have allergies, infections like a cold, or pinkeye, known as conjunctivitis (say: con-junk-tih-vie-tis). All of these irritations can inflame the eyes and make them water.


You might not think twice about your watering eyes, but some people do have trouble making tears because they have blocked tear ducts. When that happens, the ducts are not able to release the tears properly. Some people are born with stopped-up ducts. Other people's ducts become blocked from an injury or illness, although this is rarer. In most babies who are born that way, the tear ducts eventually open by themselves, but others might need a small operation in the hospital to clear the ducts.


So now you know what your eyes are up to when they get all wet. Just think of those tears as a super shield for your eyes!


Reviewed by: Kim Rutherford, MD

Date reviewed: October 2002

©Realy >>There are some words do same as the scorpion venom in the body !

احلى مافي الحياة علوم الحياة
احلى مافي الحياة علوم الحياة

u should be like a buffer .. not any buffer >> EDTA BUFFER ':<img:'>

أغسطس 22, 2003, 04:37:42 مساءاً
رد #1


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Why do eyes whater ?
« رد #1 في: أغسطس 22, 2003, 04:37:42 مساءاً »
اعزائي ..

اي كلمة ما تعرفو ترجمتها كتبو هني وراح اترجمها لكم او اي احد غيري يعرف هم راح يترجم لكم !

علشان تستفيدو من الموضوع !



©Realy >>There are some words do same as the scorpion venom in the body !

احلى مافي الحياة علوم الحياة
احلى مافي الحياة علوم الحياة

u should be like a buffer .. not any buffer >> EDTA BUFFER ':<img:'>

أغسطس 23, 2003, 12:53:01 صباحاً
رد #2

أبو سلطان

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Why do eyes whater ?
« رد #2 في: أغسطس 23, 2003, 12:53:01 صباحاً »
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله : تحية طيبة

شكرا اختي العزيزة المشرفة على الموضوع القيم . هذه صور  توضح الغدد الدمعية والقناة الدمعية الأنفية .

مع تحياتي وتقديري.........

أغسطس 23, 2003, 01:57:46 صباحاً
رد #3


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    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
Why do eyes whater ?
« رد #3 في: أغسطس 23, 2003, 01:57:46 صباحاً »
الأخت العزيزة "المشرفة"، جزاك الله خيرا على الموضوع الطيب، وجزاه الله خيرا الأخ العزيز "أبوسلطان" على الصور التوضيحية. وهنا نقف مع قدرة الله عزوجل في صنع هذا العضو المميز... ونقول اللهم متعنا بأبصرانا وقواتنا أبدا ما أبقيتنا.
مع حبي
أختكم في الله،balsam '<img'>
كن بلسما إن صار دهرك أرقما
                وحلاوة إن صار غيرك علقما

أغسطس 23, 2003, 12:43:58 مساءاً
رد #4


  • عضو خبير

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    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
Why do eyes whater ?
« رد #4 في: أغسطس 23, 2003, 12:43:58 مساءاً »
صباح الخير ..

جزانا الله واياكم اجزل الثواب ....

شكر لك ابو سلطان على هاي الصورة التوضيحية ....

اهلا بعودتك يالغالية  '<img'>

الحمد لله على سلامتك .....


©Realy >>There are some words do same as the scorpion venom in the body !

احلى مافي الحياة علوم الحياة
احلى مافي الحياة علوم الحياة

u should be like a buffer .. not any buffer >> EDTA BUFFER ':<img:'>