السلام عليكم ورحمة الله : تحية طيبة
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The Bony Fish Class, also called "Ostheichthyes," is split into smaller groups, called Orders. Below is a list of some Bony Fish Orders:
Anguilliformes Order: Includes Freshwater Eels.
Salmoniformes Order: Includes Trout and Pike.
Cypriniformes Order: Includes Carp, Minnows, and Suckers.
Siluriformes Order: Includes Catfish.
Perciformes Order: Ray-finned fishes. Includes most fish species in the world. Includes: Bass, Perch, Sunfish, and Darters.
All of the Orders above have been split into smaller groups, called Families. Families are then split into Genera. Remember, as each group gets smaller, organisms in that group are more and more alike. Each Genus will contain individual Species.
Information on specific Families and Genera is not included on this website, but you can find out which groups a species belongs to by checking the Classification Box at the bottom of each Species Page. See the example of a Bluegill below:
PHYLUM Chordate
CLASS Bony Fish
ORDER Perciformes
FAMILY Centrarchidae
GENUS Lepomis
SPECIES Lepomis macrochirus