الهندسة الكهربائية و الالكترونية > طاقة كهربائية- توليد و نقل و استثمار الطاقة الكهربائية
توليد الطاقة الكهربائية بواسطة الطاقة الحرة
محمد الدباغ:
قانون حفظ الطاقة:
في حدود المقدرة البشرية فإن الطاقة لا تفنى ولا تستحدث من العدم وإنما تتحول من شكل لآخر
Sirs, Madams,
Renewable Energy is the subject of the hour in the world.
It covers a large spectrum of sources of power like solar, wind, hydro and biofuel, these are all sources that God has given us since the start of life on earth but we didn't make much of God's gift until now. We are now looking towards the sun and saying that this is one of the best gifts God made available to us so lets use it together with the other sources that I have mentioned. This is specifically true in the Middle East where the sun shines harder and longer than any other part of the world, and when there is no sunshine wind is available.
I am afraid that we Middle Eastners rather burn fossel fuels than use renewable energy and this has to change very soon otherwise we will find ourselves at odd again with the rest of the world.
Wamedh Kareem
أين الموضوع ؟؟؟
mahir khween:
الموضوع غير موجود
الرجاء محاولة تجهيزه
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