السلام عليكم
1 إ.ف =1.6 *10^-19 جول
طاقة الفوتون الأزرق من مرتبة إ.ف
لحساب طاقة فوتون أحد الألوان من العلاقة E=hv=h/Lc حيث h,v,l,c على الترتيب
ثابت بلانك,تواتر الفوتون,طول الموجة المرافقة للفوتون,سرعة الضوء في الخلاء
White light is composed of electromagnetic vibrations, the wavelengths of which are evenly distributed from 350 to 750 nm (1 nm, or nanometre, is 1 billionth of a metre, or 40 billionths of an inch). If the intensities of these vibrations are roughly equal throughout the spectral range, the light appears white or grey, depending on the brightness of surrounding areas in the scene being viewed. Light composed of vibrations of a single wavelength in the visible spectrum differs qualitatively from light of another wavelength. This qualitative difference is perceived subjectively as hue. Light with a wavelength of 750 nm is perceived as red, and light with a wavelength of 350 nm is perceived as violet. The quality of the intermediate wavelengths is perceived as blue, green, yellow, or orange, moving from the wavelength of violet to that of red. See
السلام عليكم