There are about 250 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees constituting the genus Hibiscus, in the mallow family (Malvaceae), and native to warm temperate and tropical regions. Several are cultivated as ornamentals for their showy flowers. The tropical Chinese hibiscus, or China rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), which may reach a height of 4 m, rarely exceeds 2 m in cultivation. It is grown for its large, somewhat bell-shaped reddish blossoms. Cultivated varieties with white, yellow, and orange flowers are available. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (or bunga raya) is found in abundance throughout Malaysia, and for this very reason, was chosen to be the national flower (in 1960) by Malaysia's first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman. Fruits of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis are brown, bristly capsules with 5 valves bearing numerous seeds. The oval fruit is less than 1.3 cm with a dry or hard cover. Its characteristic is inconspicuous and not showy. Fruits are not found locally. Propagation is mostly by cuttings, which grow easily.